
Stephanie Johnson

The Hidden Damages of Hair Gels with Short-Chain Alcohol 😲

Published 11 months ago • 1 min read

In recent years, the market for hair styling products, including hair gels, has exploded. But have you ever wondered about the impact of these products, specifically those containing short-chain alcohol, on your hair health?

Short-chain alcohols are prevalent in many hair care products, known for their fast-drying properties and their ability to give products a less greasy feel. However, the potential damage these alcohols can cause may outweigh their superficial benefits.

So, while the market for hair styling products, including hair gels, has seen an explosive growth in recent years, it is vital that consumers maintain an awareness of the potential repercussions these products may have on our hair health. In the end, achieving our desired look should not come at the cost of the health and vitality of our hair.

Take a look at the video below to learn more about short-chain alcohol and what you can do to avoid them while keeping your hairstyle intact.

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Stephanie Johnson

The Hair Care Coach

💇🏽‍♀️ Sharing, connecting & educating salon professionals and their clients worldwide.🌎

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