
Stephanie Johnson

Summer Vibes: How to Rock Box Braids Like Never Before

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hey there,

Summer's on its way, and if you're thinking about switching up your look with some box braids, you're in for a treat! Box braids are not just a stylish choice for beating the summer heat but also a fantastic, low-maintenance option when you're off on your vacay.

Planning to dive into this braided adventure? Let me share some insider tips to keep your braids looking absolutely stunning.

Get Started on a High Note

Kicking things off with hair and scalp that's squeaky clean is a must. Make sure to cleanse and condition your hair to keep it happy and healthy under those braids.

Moisturize Like There's No Tomorrow

Before those braids get anywhere near your hair, make sure to slather on some leave-in conditioner or your favorite hair moisturizer. It's all about locking in that moisture to keep your hair game strong under the braids.

Size Matters

Picking the right size and length for your braids can make all the difference. Remember, super-heavy braids could spell trouble for your roots, so choose wisely to avoid breakage or damage to your scalp.

Keep the Scalp Happy

Don't forget about your scalp - a touch of light oil or braid spray keeps it from drying out. Natural oils like coconut, jojoba, or almond are great picks, and remember, a little goes a long way.

Less is More: Shampooing Your Braids

Some people like to shampoo their braids every couple of weeks, but that can make them look kind of messy. Instead, try an apple cider vinegar hair rinse. It will gently detox and cleanse impurities, promoting a healthier scalp environment. You can apply the product either with a tint bottle or a saturated cotton ball.

Dry 'Em Out The Right Way

For those moments when your braids get a real soaking, drying them properly is crucial. You don't want any mold or mildew crashing your hair party, so it's best to use a hooded dryer for complete drying, especially at the roots.

Sweet Dreams

Sleeping with braids means taking a little extra care. A silk or satin scarf or even a pillowcase can prevent frizz and ease the tension on your edges and hairline.

Ease Up on the Tension

Speaking of tension, go easy on those tight hairstyles. Pulling your box braids back too tight might harm your hairline, and nobody wants that.

Give Your Edges Some Love

Your edges deserve some TLC too. A dab of growth-promoting or moisturizing product keeps them in tip-top shape, especially important for the fine hairs up front.

Plan for Upkeep and Letting Go

To keep your braids looking fresh, pencil in a maintenance check every 4-6 weeks. And remember, 8 weeks is pretty much the limit to keep those braids in without causing the hair to start matting and locking.

And there you have it!

Take these tips to heart, and your box braids will be nothing short of fabulous. Want to know more about the apple cider rinse and other product recommendations? Don't forget to check out my Amazon Store under My Recommendations at the link below.

Catch you later,


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Stephanie Johnson

The Hair Care Coach

💇🏽‍♀️ Sharing, connecting & educating salon professionals and their clients worldwide.🌎

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